Author: Markus H. Gross


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 88


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Stephan Würmlin
Miguel A. Otaduy
Oliver G. Staadt

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Andreas Butz
Ming C. Lin
Andreas M. Kunz


Martin, Sebastian, Kaufmann, Peter, Botsch, Mario, Wicke, Martin, Gross, Markus H. (2008): Polyhedral Finite Elements Using Harmonic Basis Functions. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (5) pp. 1521-1529.

Guennebaud, Gaël, Germann, Marcel, Gross, Markus H. (2008): Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (2) pp. 653-662.

Ziegler, Remo, Croci, Simone, Gross, Markus H. (2008): Lighting and Occlusion in a Wave-Based Framework. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (2) pp. 211-220.

Angst, Roland, Thürey, Nils, Botsch, Mario, Gross, Markus H. (2008): Robust and Efficient Wave Simulations on Deforming Meshes. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (7) pp. 1895-1900.

Steinemann, Denis, Otaduy, Miguel A., Gross, Markus H. (2008): Tight and efficient surface bounds in meshless animation. In Computers & Graphics, 32 (2) pp. 235-245.

Waschbüsch, Michael, Würmlin, Stephan, Gross, Markus H. (2007): 3D Video Billboard Clouds. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 561-569.

Cotting, Daniel, Gross, Markus H. (2007): Interactive Visual Workspaces with Dynamic Foveal Areas and Adaptive Composite Interfaces. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 685-694.

Galoppo, Nico, Otaduy, Miguel A., Tekin, Serhat, Gross, Markus H., Lin, Ming C. (2007): Soft Articulated Characters with Fast Contact Handling. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 243-253.

Wicke, Martin, Botsch, Mario, Gross, Markus H. (2007): A Finite Element Method on Convex Polyhedra. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 355-364.

Pietroni, Nico, Otaduy, Miguel A., Bickel, Bernd, Ganovelli, Fabio, Gross, Markus H. (2007): Texturing Internal Surfaces from a Few Cross Sections. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 637-644.

Ziegler, Remo, Bucheli, Simon, Ahrenberg, Lukas, Magnor, Marcus A., Gross, Markus H. (2007): A Bidirectional Light Field - Hologram Transform. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 435-446.

Botsch, Mario, Pauly, Mark, Wicke, Martin, Gross, Markus H. (2007): Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 26 (3) pp. 339-347.

Gross, Markus H., Voegeli, Christian (2007): A multimedia framework for effective language training. In Computers & Graphics, 31 (5) pp. 761-777.

Waschbüsch, Michael, Würmlin, Stephan, Gross, Markus H. (2006): Interactive 3D video editing. In The Visual Computer, 22 (9) pp. 631-641.

Gross, Markus H. (2006): Getting to the Point...?. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26 (5) pp. 96-99.

Niederberger, Christoph, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Level-of-detail for cognitive real-time characters. In The Visual Computer, 21 (3) pp. 188-202.

Waschbüsch, Michael, Würmlin, Stephan, Cotting, Daniel, Sadlo, Filip, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Scalable 3D video of dynamic scenes. In The Visual Computer, 21 (8) pp. 629-638.

Wicke, Martin, Steinemann, Denis, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Efficient Animation of Point-Sampled Thin Shells. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (3) pp. 667-676.

Hadwiger, Markus, Sigg, Christian, Scharsach, Henning, Bühler, Katja, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Real-Time Ray-Casting and Advanced Shading of Discrete Isosurfaces. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (3) pp. 303-312.

Cotting, Daniel, Fuchs, Henry, Ziegler, Remo, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Adaptive Instant Displays: Continuously Calibrated Projections Using Per-Pixel Light Contr. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (3) pp. 705-714.

Adams, Bart, Keiser, Richard, Pauly, Mark, Guibas, Leonidas J., Gross, Markus H., Dutré, Philip (2005): Efficient Raytracing of Deforming Point-Sampled Surfaces. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (3) pp. 677-684.

Näf, Martin, Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (2005): Multimedia integration into the blue-c API. In Computers & Graphics, 29 (1) pp. 3-15.

Butz, Andreas, Gross, Markus H., Kruger, Antonio (2004): TUISTER: a tangible UI for hierarchical structures. In: Nunes, Nuno Jardim, Rich, Charles (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2004 January 13-16, 2004, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. pp. 223-225.

Müller, Matthias, Schirm, Simon, Teschner, Matthias, Heidelberger, Bruno, Gross, Markus H. (2004): Interaction of fluids with deformable solids. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 15 (3) pp. 159-171.

Pfister, Hanspeter, Gross, Markus H. (2004): Point-Based Computer Graphics. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24 (4) pp. 22-23.

Würmlin, Stephan, Lamboray, Edouard, Gross, Markus H. (2004): 3D video fragments: dynamic point samples for real-time free-viewpoint video. In Computers & Graphics, 28 (1) pp. 3-14.

Pauly, Mark, Keiser, Richard, Gross, Markus H. (2003): Multi-scale Feature Extraction on Point-sampled Surfaces. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 22 (3) pp. 281-290.

Niederberger, Christoph, Gross, Markus H. (2003): Hierarchical and Heterogenous Reactive Agents for Real-Time Applications. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 22 (3) pp. 323-332.

Würmlin, Stephan, Lamboray, Edouard, Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (2003): 3D Video Recorder: a System for Recording and Playing Free-Viewpoint Video. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 22 (2) pp. 181-194.

Lamboray, Edouard, Zollinger, Aaron, Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (2003): Interactive multimedia streams in distributed applications. In Computers & Graphics, 27 (5) pp. 735-745.

Roth, S. H. Martin, Diezi, Patrick, Gross, Markus H. (2001): Raytracing Triangular Bézier Patches. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 20 (3) pp. .

Dreger, A., Gross, Markus H., Schlegel, J. (2000): Construction of multiresolution triangular B-spline surfaces using hexagonal filters. In The Visual Computer, 16 (6) pp. 339-356.

Bielser, Daniel, Maiwald, Volker A., Gross, Markus H. (1999): Interactive Cuts through 3-Dimensional Soft Tissue. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 18 (3) pp. 31-38.

Koch, Rolf M., Gross, Markus H., Bosshard, Albert (1998): Emotion Editing using Finite Elements. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 17 (3) pp. 295-302.

Roth, S. H. Martin, Gross, Markus H., Turello, Silvio, Carls, Friedrich R. (1998): A Bernstein-Bézier Based Approach to Soft Tissue Simulation. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 17 (3) pp. 285-294.

Lippert, Lars, Gross, Markus H., Kurmann, C. (1997): Compression Domain Volume Rendering for Distributed Environments. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 16 (3) pp. 95-108.

Gross, Markus H., Lippert, Lars, Dittrich, R., Häring, S. (1997): Two methods for wavelet-based volume rendering. In Computers & Graphics, 21 (2) pp. 237-252.

Madeira, Joaquim S., Stork, André, Gross, Markus H. (1996): An approach to computer-supported cartooning. In The Visual Computer, 12 (1) pp. 1-17.

Lippert, Lars, Gross, Markus H. (1995): Fast Wavelet Based Volume Rendering by Accumulation of Transparent Texture Maps. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 14 (3) pp. 431-444.

Gross, Markus H., Lippert, Lars, Dreger, A., Koch, Rolf M. (1995): A new method to approximate the volume-rendering equation using wavelet bases and piecewis. In Computers & Graphics, 19 (1) pp. 47-62.

Gross, Markus H., Seibert, Frank (1993): Visualization of multidimensional image data sets using a neural network. In The Visual Computer, 10 (3) pp. 145-159. https://

Gross, Markus H. (1992): Image analysis for advertisement purposes: A computational model of visual perception. In Computers & Graphics, 16 (2) pp. 213-221.

Gross, Markus H. (1991): The analysis of visibility - Environmental interactions between computer graphics, physics. In Computers & Graphics, 15 (3) pp. 407-415.

Muller, Matthias, Gross, Markus H. (2004): Interactive virtual materials. In: Graphics Interface 2004 May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 239-246.

Cotting, Daniel, Gross, Markus H. (2006): Interactive environment-aware display bubbles. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 2006, . pp. 245-254.

Cotting, Daniel, Näf, Martin, Gross, Markus H., Fuchs, Henry (2004): Embedding Imperceptible Patterns into Projected Images for Simultaneous Acquisition and Di. In: 3rd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2004 2-5 November, 2004, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 100-109.

Kwon, Doo Young, Gross, Markus H. (2005): Combining body sensors and visual sensors for motion training. In: Lee, Newton (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2005 June 15-15, 2005, Valencia, Spain. pp. 94-101.

Galoppo, Nico, Tekin, Serhat, Otaduy, Miguel A., Gross, Markus H., Lin, Ming C. (2007): Interactive Haptic Rendering of High-Resolution Deformable Objects. In: Shumaker, Randall (eds.) ICVR 2007 - Virtual Reality - Second International Conference - Part 1 July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 215-223.

Otaduy, Miguel A., Gross, Markus H. (2007): Transparent Rendering of Tool Contact with Compliant Environments. In: WHC 2007 - Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-24 March, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan. pp. 225-230.

Galoppo, Nico, Otaduy, Miguel A., Mecklenburg, Paul, Gross, Markus H., Lin, Ming C. (2007): Accelerated Proximity Queries for Haptic Rendering of Deformable Models. In: WHC 2007 - Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-24 March, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan. pp. 591-592.

Hubeli, Andreas, Gross, Markus H. (2000): Fairing of non-manifolds for visualization. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 407-414.

Hubeli, Andreas, Gross, Markus H. (2001): Multiresolution Feature Extraction from Unstructured Meshes. In: Ertl, Thomas, Joy, Kenneth I., Varshney, Amitabh (eds.) IEEE Visualization 2001 October 24-26, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA.

Pauly, Mark, Gross, Markus H., Kobbelt, Leif (2002): Efficient Simplification of Point-Sampled Surfaces. In: IEEE Visualization 2002 , 2002, .

Sigg, Christian, Peikert, Ronald, Gross, Markus H. (2003): Signed Distance Transform Using Graphics Hardware. In: Turk, Greg, Wijk, Jarke J. van, II, Robert J. Moorhead (eds.) 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 Conference VIS 2003 19-24 October, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA. pp. 83-90.

Sprenger, T. C., Brunella, R., Gross, Markus H. (2000): H-BLOB: a hierarchical visual clustering method using implicit surfaces. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 61-68.

Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (1998): Progressive tetrahedralizations. In: IEEE Visualization 1998 , 1998, . pp. 397-402.

Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H., Gatti, Roger (1995): Fast Multiresolution Surface Meshing. In: IEEE Visualization 1995 , 1995, . pp. 135-142.

Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H., Weber, Roger (1997): Multiresolution compression and reconstruction. In: IEEE Visualization 1997 , 1997, . pp. 337-346.

Staubli, Oliver, Sigg, Christian, Peikert, Ronald, Gross, Markus H., Gubler, Daniel (2005): Volume rendering of smoke propagation CFD data. In: 16th IEEE Visualization Conference VIS 2005 23-28 October, 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA. pp. 43.

Zwicker, Matthias, Pfister, Hanspeter, Baar, Jeroen van, Gross, Markus H. (2001): EWA Volume Splatting. In: Ertl, Thomas, Joy, Kenneth I., Varshney, Amitabh (eds.) IEEE Visualization 2001 October 24-26, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA.

Näf, Martin, Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (2002): Spatialized audio rendering for immersive virtual environments. In: Shi, Jiaoying, Hodges, Larry F., Sun, Hanqiu, Peng, Qunsheng (eds.) VRST 2002- Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 11-13, 2002, Hong Kong, China. pp. 65-72.

Gross, Markus H., Sprenger, T. C., Finger, J. (1997): Visualizing Information on a Sphere. In: InfoVis 1997 - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization October 18-25, 1997, Phoenix, AZ, USA. pp. 11-16.

Sprenger, T. C., Gross, Markus H., Bielser, Daniel, Strasser, T. (1998): IVORY - An Object-Oriented Framework for Physics-Based Information Visualization in Java. In: InfoVis 1998 - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 19-20 October, 1998, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. pp. 79-86.

Staadt, Oliver, Gross, Markus H., Kunz, Andreas M., Meier, Markus (2000): The Blue-C: Integrating Real Humans into a Networked Immersive Invironment. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments September 10-12, 2000, San Francisco, USA. pp. 201-202.

Hao, Ming C., Dayal, Umeshwar, Cotting, Daniel, Holenstein, Thomas, Gross, Markus H. (2003): Accelerated Force Computation for Physics-Based Information Visualization. In: VisSym 2003 - Symposium on Visualization May 26-28, 2003, Grenoble, France.

Lamboray, Edouard, Würmlin, Stephan, Gross, Markus H. (2004): Real-Time Streaming of Point-Based 3D Video. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 VR 2004 27-31 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA. pp. 91-98.

Lamboray, Edouard, Würmlin, Stephan, Gross, Markus H. (2004): Colorplate: Real-Time Streaming of Point-Based 3D Video. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 VR 2004 27-31 March, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA. pp. 281.

Näf, Martin, Lamboray, Edouard, Staadt, Oliver G., Gross, Markus H. (2003): The blue-c Distributed Scene Graph. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003 VR 2003 22-26 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 275-276.

Otaduy, Miguel A., Chassot, Olivier, Steinemann, Denis, Gross, Markus H. (2007): Balanced Hierarchies for Collision Detection between Fracturing Objects. In: Sherman, William R., Lin, Ming C., Steed, Anthony (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2007 10-14 March, 2007, Charlotte, NC, USA. pp. 83-90.

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