Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008

ACM Press
September 2-5
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mobile HCI
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The MOBILEHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation and application of techniques and approaches for all mobile and wearable computing devices and services.

All years


Streefkerk, Jan Willem, Esch-Bussemakers, Myra P. van, Neerincx, Mark A. (2008): Field evaluation of a mobile location-based notification system for police officers. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 101-108.

Kane, Shaun K., Wobbrock, Jacob O., Smith, Ian E. (2008): Getting off the treadmill: evaluating walking user interfaces for mobile devices in public. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 109-118.

Oliver, Keith J., Burnett, Gary E. (2008): Learning-oriented vehicle navigation systems: a preliminary investigation in a driving sim. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 119-126.

de Sá, Marco, Carrico, Luis (2008): Lessons from early stages design of mobile applications. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 127-136.

Church, Karen, Smyth, Barry, Bradley, Keith, Cotter, Paul (2008): A large scale study of European mobile search behaviour. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 13-22.

Schroder, Sabine, Ziefle, Martina (2008): Making a completely icon-based menu in mobile devices to become true: a user-centered desi. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 137-146.

Burigat, Stefano, Chittaro, Luca, Parlato, Edoardo (2008): Map, diagram, and web page navigation on mobile devices: the effectiveness of zoomable use. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 147-156.

Engstrom, Arvid, Esbjornsson, Mattias, Juhlin, Oskar (2008): Mobile collaborative live video mixing. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 157-166.

Leitner, Michael, Wolkerstorfer, Peter, Sefelin, Reinhard, Tscheligi, Manfred (2008): Mobile multimedia: identifying user values using the means-end theory. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 167-175.

Preuveneers, Davy, Berbers, Yolande (2008): Mobile phones assisting with health self-care: a diabetes case study. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 177-186.

Clawson, James, Voida, Amy, Patel, Nirmal J., Lyons, Kent (2008): Mobiphos: a collocated-synchronous mobile photo sharing application. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 187-195.

Robinson, Simon, Eslambolchilar, Parisa, Jones, Matt (2008): Point-to-GeoBlog: gestures and sensors to support user generated content creation. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 197-206.

Hang, Alina, Rukzio, Enrico, Greaves, Andrew (2008): Projector phone: a study of using mobile phones with integrated projector for interaction . In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 207-216.

Joshi, Anirudha, Welankar, Nikhil, Naveen, B. L., Kanitkar, Kirti, Sheikh, Riyaj (2008): Rangoli: a visual phonebook for low-literate users. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 217-223.

Liu, Ying, Räihä, Kari-Jouko (2008): RotaTxt: Chinese pinyin input with a rotator. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 225-233.

Geven, Arjan, Sefelin, Reinhard, Holler, Norman, Tscheligi, Manfred, Mayer, Markus (2008): Always-on information: services and applications on the mobile desktop. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 23-32.

Herbst, Iris, Braun, Anne-Kathrin, McCall, Rod, Broll, Wolfgang (2008): TimeWarp: interactive time travel with a mobile mixed reality game. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 235-244.

Hardy, Robert, Rukzio, Enrico (2008): Touch & interact: touch-based interaction of mobile phones with displays. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 245-254.

Oliveira, Rodrigo de, Oliver, Nuria (2008): TripleBeat: enhancing exercise performance with persuasion. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 255-264.

Keijzers, Jeroen, Ouden, Elke den, Lu, Yuan (2008): Usability benchmark study of commercially available smart phones: cell phone type platform. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 265-272.

Olsson, Thomas, Soronen, Hannu, Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Kaisa (2008): User needs and design guidelines for mobile services for sharing digital life memories. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 273-282.

Bamford, William, Coulton, Paul, Walker, Marion, Whyatt, Duncan, Davies, Gemma, Pooley, Colin (2008): Using mobile phones to reveal the complexities of the school journey. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 283-292.

Witt, Hendrik, Lawo, Michael, Drugge, Mikael (2008): Visual feedback and different frames of reference: the impact on gesture interaction techn. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 293-300.

Dunne, Cameron Ross, Candebat, Thibault, Gray, David (2008): A frequency based sighting blurring algorithm for use with location based services on the . In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 3-12.

Eichhorn, Elisabeth, Wettach, Reto, Hornecker, Eva (2008): A stroking device for spatially separated couples. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 303-306.

Falchuk, Benjamin, Glasman, Alex, Glasman, Konstantin (2008): A tool for video content understanding on mobile smartphones. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 307-310.

Ashbrook, Daniel, Lyons, Kent, Starner, Thad (2008): An investigation into round touchscreen wristwatch interaction. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 311-314.

Phillips, Caleb T., Singh, Suresh, Sicker, Douglas C., Grunwald, Dirk (2008): Applying models of user activity for dynamic power management in wireless devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 315-318.

Hutter, Hans-Peter, Müggler, Thomas, Jung, Udo (2008): Augmented mobile tagging. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 319-322.

Elumeze, Nwanua, Eisenberg, Michael (2008): ButtonSchemer: ambient program reader. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 323-326.

Bostrom, Fredrik, Nurmi, Petteri, Floréen, Patrik, Liu, Tianyan, Oikarinen, Tiina-Kaisa, Vetek, Akos, Boda, Péter (2008): Capricorn - an intelligent user interface for mobile widgets. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 327-330.

Yoon, Youngwoo, Ahn, Yuri, Lee, Geehyuk, Hong, Sungmoo, Kim, Minjeong (2008): Context-aware photo selection for promoting photo consumption on a mobile phone. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 33-42.

Jain, Jhilmil, Bhatti, Nina, Baker, H. Harlyn, Chao, Hui, Dekhil, Mohamed, Harville, Michael, Lyons, Nic, Schettino, John, Süsstrunk, Sabine (2008): Color match: an imaging based mobile cosmetics advisory service. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 331-334.

You, Yilun, Chin, Tat-Jun, Lim, Joo-Hwee, Chevallet, Jean-Pierre, Coutrix, Céline, Nigay, Laurence (2008): Deploying and evaluating a mixed reality mobile treasure hunt: Snap2Play. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 335-338.

Ahmaniemi, Teemu Tuomas, Lantz, Vuokko, Marila, Juha (2008): Dynamic audiotactile feedback in gesture interaction. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 339-342.

Lumsden, Joanna, Langton, Nathan, Kondratova, Irina (2008): Evaluating the appropriateness of speech input in marine applications: a field evaluation. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 343-346.

Kehoe, Aidan, Neff, Flaithri, Pitt, Ian J. (2008): Evaluation of pause intervals between haptic/audio cues and subsequent speech information. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 347-350.

Greaves, Andrew, Rukzio, Enrico (2008): Evaluation of picture browsing using a projector phone. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 351-354.

Melto, Aleksi, Turunen, Markku, Kainulainen, Anssi, Hakulinen, Jaakko, Heimonen, Tomi, Antila, Ville (2008): Evaluation of predictive text and speech inputs in a multimodal mobile route guidance appl. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 355-358.

Goussevskaia, Olga, 0002, Michael Kuhn, Wattenhofer, Roger (2008): Exploring music collections on mobile devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 359-362.

Frohlich, Peter, Obernberger, Gerhard, Simon, Rainer, Reichl, Peter (2008): Exploring the design space of Smart Horizons. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 363-366.

Martins, Tiago, Sommerer, Christa, Mignonneau, Laurent, Correia, Nuno (2008): Gauntlet: a wearable interface for ubiquitous gaming. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 367-370.

Amlacher, Katrin, Paletta, Lucas (2008): Geo-indexed object recognition for mobile vision tasks. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 371-374.

Jarkievicz, Petra, Frankhammar, My, Fernaeus, Ylva (2008): In the hands of children: exploring the use of mobile phone functionality in casual play s. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 375-378.

Anguera, Xavier, Oliver, Nuria (2008): MAMI: multimodal annotations on a camera phone. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 379-382.

Fehnert, Ben, Kosagowsky, Alessia (2008): Measuring user experience: complementing qualitative and quantitative assessment. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 383-386.

Brewster, Stephen A., Johnston, Jody (2008): Multimodal interfaces for camera phones. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 387-390.

Duh, Henry Been-Lirn, Chen, Vivian Hsueh-hua, Tan, Chee Boon (2008): Playing different games on different phones: an empirical study on mobile gaming. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 391-394.

Chittaro, Luca, Nadalutti, Daniele (2008): Presenting evacuation instructions on mobile devices by means of location-aware 3D virtual. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 395-398.

Stapel, Janny C., Kort, Yvonne de, IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A. (2008): Sharing places: testing psychological effects of location cueing frequency and explicit vs. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 399-402.

Liu, KuanTing, Reimer, Roger Andersson (2008): Social playlist: enabling touch points and enriching ongoing relationships through collabo. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 403-406.

Guinard, Dominique, Baecker, Oliver, Michahelles, Florian (2008): Supporting a mobile lost and found community. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 407-410.

Hall, Malcolm, Hoggan, Eve E., Brewster, Stephen A. (2008): T-Bars: towards tactile user interfaces for mobile touchscreens. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 411-414.

Lacroix, Joyca, Saini, Privender, Holmes, Roger (2008): The relationship between goal difficulty and performance in the context of a physical acti. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 415-418.

Langley, David, Pals, Nico (2008): The social contagion of mobile television. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 419-422.

Park, Yong S., Han, Sung Ho, Park, Jaehyun, Cho, Youngseok (2008): Touch key design for target selection on a mobile phone. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 423-426.

Gostner, Roswitha, Rukzio, Enrico, Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2008): Usage of spatial information for selection of co-located devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 427-430.

Oulasvirta, Antti (2008): Designing mobile awareness cues. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 43-52.

Ghiani, Giuseppe, Leporini, Barbara, Paterno, Fabio (2008): Vibrotactile feedback as an orientation aid for blind users of mobile guides. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 431-434.

Crossan, Andrew, Williamson, John, Brewster, Stephen A., Murray-Smith, Roderick (2008): Wrist rotation for interaction in mobile contexts. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 435-438.

Agrawal, Hitesh, Dhotre, Kiran, Williams, Jason (2008): A streamlined interface documentation methodology for mobile user interfaces. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 441-444.

Davies, Matt (2008): Designing a new mobile search service: a user-centered approach. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 445-447.

Jung, Younghee, Anttila, Akseli, Blom, Jan (2008): Designing for the evolution of mobile contacts application. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 449-452.

Inbar, Ohad, Zilberman, Boaz (2008): Usability challenges in creating a multi-IM mobile application. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 453-456.

Winter, J. C. F. de, Groot, S. de, Dankelman, Jenny, Wieringa, Peter A., Paassen, M. M. van, Mulder, Mark (2008): Advancing simulation-based driver training: lessons learned and future perspectives. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 459-464.

Bosch, Antal van den, Bogers, Toine (2008): Efficient context-sensitive word completion for mobile devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 465-470.

Khan, Vassilis-Javed, Markopoulos, Panos, Eggen, Berry, IJsselsteijn, Wijnand, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (2008): Reconexp: a way to reduce the data loss of the experiencing sampling method. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 471-476.

Prekopcsák, Zoltán, Halácsy, Péter, Gáspár-Papanek, Csaba (2008): Design and development of an everyday hand gesture interface. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 479-480.

Uluca, Doguhan, Streefkerk, Jan Willem, Sciacchitano, Brian, McCrickard, D. Scott (2008): Designing automated handheld navigation support. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 481-482.

Leichtenstern, Karin, Erdmann, Dennis, Andre, Elisabeth (2008): EVAL - an evaluation component for mobile interfaces. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 483-484.

Shahid, Suleman, Mubin, Omar, Mahmud, Abdullah Al (2008): Friend forever: a healderly partner. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 485-486.

Borß, Christian, Martin, Rainer (2008): Interactive auditory virtual environments for mobile devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 487-488.

Ohashi, Yutaro, Ogawa, Hideaki, Arisawa, Makoto (2008): Making new learning environment in zoo by adopting mobile devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 489-490.

Kiemer, Johannes, Ballendat, Till, Langer, Tim, Zhang, Wenqi, Luca, Alexander De (2008): Spybuster - a community-based privacy tagging platform. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 491-492.

Church, Karen, Smyth, Barry (2008): Understanding mobile information needs. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 493-494.

Jeon, Myoung Hoon, Na, Dae Yol, Ahn, Jung Hee, Hong, Ji Young (2008): User segmentation & UI optimization through mobile phone log analysis. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 495-496.

Chu, Kar-Hai, Joseph, Sam (2008): Using Second Life to demonstrate a concept automobile heads up display (A-HUD). In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 497-498.

Cervantes, Ruy, Sambasivan, Nithya (2008): VoiceList: user-driven telephone-based audio content. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 499-500.

Matena, Lukas, Jaimes, Alejandro, Popescu-Belis, Andrei (2008): Graphical representation of meetings on mobile devices. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 503-506.

Suzuki, Genta, Yamaguchi, Nobuyasu, Nakamura, Shigeyoshi, Chiba, Hirotaka (2008): Mobile interaction using steganographic image on mobile display. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 507-510.

Pohjola, Teemu, Tolppanen, Petri, Kaksonen, Veli (2008): Movial IXS mobile internet device. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 511-513.

Kazakos, Konstantinos, Bourlai, Thirimachos, Fujiki, Yuichi, Levine, James, Pavlidis, Ioannis (2008): NEAT-o-Games: novel mobile gaming versus modern sedentary lifestyle. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 515-518.

Khan, Vassilis-Javed, Metaxas, Georgios, Markopoulos, Panos (2008): Pervasive awareness. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 519-521.

Henze, Niels, Rukzio, Enrico, Lorenz, Andreas, Righetti, Xavier, Boll, Susanne (2008): Physical-virtual linkage with contextual bookmarks. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 523-526.

Greaves, Andrew, Hang, Alina, Rukzio, Enrico (2008): Picture browsing and map interaction using a projector phone. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 527-530.

Vuolle, Maiju, Tiainen, Mari, Kallio, Titti, Vainio, Teija, Kulju, Minna, Wigelius, Heli (2008): Developing a questionnaire for measuring mobile business service experience. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 53-62.

Hardy, Robert, Rukzio, Enrico (2008): Touch & Interact: touch-based interaction with a tourist application. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 531-534.

Werner, Julia, Wettach, Reto, Hornecker, Eva (2008): United-pulse: feeling your partner\'s pulse. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 535-538.

Iben, Hendrik (2008): A methodical approach to evaluating the use of audio-interfaces for mobile and wearable co. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 541-542.

Buttussi, Fabio (2008): A user-adaptive and context-aware architecture for mobile and desktop training application. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 543.

Teo, Hong-Siang (2008): An activity-driven model for context-awareness in mobile computing. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 545-546.

Ghiani, Giuseppe (2008): Enabling orientation for the blind by means of mobile guides. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 547-548.

Masters, Michelle Montgomery (2008): Exploring usability in mobile autonomic networks. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 549-550.

Väätäjä, Heli (2008): Factors affecting user experience in mobile systems and services. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 551.

Garnham, Darius (2008): Implicit participation from a glance. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 553-554.

Walker, Kevin (2008): Mobile audio capture in a learning ecology. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 555.

Knodel, Sebastian (2008): Visualization and interaction with mobile technology. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 557-558.

Henze, Niels, Broll, Gregor, Rukzio, Enrico, Rohs, Michael, Zimmermann, Andreas (2008): Mobile interaction with the real world. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 563-565.

Häkkilä, Jonna, Isomursu, Minna, Spasojevic, Mirjana, Beekhuyzen, Jenine P. (2008): Mobile multimedia: content creation and use. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 567-568.

Nanavati, Amit Anil, Rajput, Nitendra, Rudnicky, Alexander I., Turunen, M. (2008): SiMPE: third workshop on speech in mobile and pervasive environments. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 569-570.

Roto, Virpi, Kaasinen, Eija (2008): The second international workshop on mobile internet user experience. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 571-573.

Kramer, Mark A. M., Reponen, Erika, Obrist, Marianna (2008): MobiMundi: exploring the impact of user-generated mobile content -- the participatory pano. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 575-577.

Jumisko-Pyykko, Satu, Hannuksela, Miska M. (2008): Does context matter in quality evaluation of mobile television?. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 63-72.

Smets, Nanja J. J. M., Brake, Guido M. te, Neerincx, Mark A., Lindenberg, Jasper (2008): Effects of mobile map orientation and tactile feedback on navigation speed and situation a. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 73-80.

Holleis, Paul, Schmidt, Albrecht, Paasovaara, Susanna, Puikkonen, Arto, Häkkilä, Jonna (2008): Evaluating capacitive touch input on clothes. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 81-90.

Dicke, Christina, Deo, Shaleen, Billinghurst, Mark, Adams, Nathan, Lehikoinen, Juha (2008): Experiments in mobile spatial audio-conferencing: key-based and gesture-based interaction. In: Hofte, G. Henri ter, Mulder, Ingrid, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2008 September 2-5, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 91-100.

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