Digital Inclusion

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What is Digital Inclusion?

Digital inclusion is the access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)—like the internet and its infrastructure, hardware, software and digital literacy training—by all people, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, mobility, physical and cognitive abilities, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Digital inclusion helps everyone, especially those who are disadvantaged or historically excluded, to have the access and skills to fully participate in the digital world.

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:35

    So, it's important that your immersive  experience is inclusive and that you don't just build it for yourself or for a type of user that you might have in your head. What is inclusive design? Well, a great quote from Annie Jean-Baptiste, Head of Inclusive Design   for Google – she said that product inclusion is the  practice of applying an inclusive lens throughout  

  2. 00:00:35 --> 00:01:01

    the entire product design and development  process to create better products and thus   accelerate business growth. So, inclusive design is something you start from the very beginning   when you're thinking about your VR creation. Who have you left out? Who else do you need to think about? And include and go talk to and understand and bring that experience to your creation.

  3. 00:01:01 --> 00:01:31

    It's not enough to just create a product that is just for, for example, people with legs. So, that's always a reminder for me, to remember that experience of the bias that you can bring, even just from standing or sitting and crawling. And that's why you need to move around when you're designing or coming up with designs for virtual reality. The question with inclusive design is, *Who are we impacting?* Which user? Which community? Which historical, cultural

  4. 00:01:31 --> 00:02:02

    or political context have we learned about, have we thought about, have we included? And even the environmental picture. And just bringing that *cross-cultural experience* is going to make your content more inclusive and more diverse, so even environmental can be a point of exclusion. Like in this piece that was done: 'Traveling While Black'. So, 'Traveling While Black' is a story of this guy, when he was young, he used to travel across the South.

  5. 00:02:02 --> 00:02:33

    And every summer, his family, they would drive on vacation; they had to stay in Black-only hotels. They kept getting pulled over by the police. And so, it's a VR story about this experience to kind of help you  empathize and understand this reality of being harassed while you're Black in the United States. And as Baptiste said, it starts at the very beginning, goes throughout your entire product life-cycle, checking in with users, checking in with subject matter experts,

  6. 00:02:33 --> 00:03:03

    and then all the way to how you market it, so that you're marketing it with diversity and a message of equity, which is bringing everyone in and giving those who are often left out representation. And when we say 'representation', we're talking gender, we're talking age, we're talking disability, of course, with inclusion, we're talking about body size. Maybe country-versus-city type of bias or reality.

  7. 00:03:03 --> 00:03:32

    We're talking about *invisible disabilities*, such as neurodiversity, such as autism spectrum or dyslexia. These kind of disabilities – I mean, think about it; if you have a lot of reading in your experience or in your onboarding and it's all text, someone that dyslexia is going to struggle with that. If you have an avatar and all your avatars are skinny and not representing different body sizes, that may send a message that this is just for this certain type of person.

  8. 00:03:32 --> 00:04:03

    Think about ethnic group, and of course race, and more, so that person's experiences and what they might bring to the content that you create, the narrative, the way that you unfold your particular experience. So, the question we ask in inclusive design is 'at what cost?' so the individual or community rights. You know – are we going to harm that person or their identity, their well-being? The Xbox launched in 2022 an inclusive avatar editor.

  9. 00:04:03 --> 00:04:33

    And this allows users to customize an avatar to the way that they might best represent themselves or their identity. Let's talk about *disability* in particular.  Disability has blindness, low vision, mobility disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing, and cognitive. And cognitive is what we now call 'neurodiversity'. That includes ADD, autism spectrum, dyslexia and more.

  10. 00:04:33 --> 00:05:03

    You know, think about what it's like sitting, crawling, kneeling. Think about what you're forcing people to do. Here's a small video from just the frustration of not being able to  reach these objects up on the table. Our user, he's in a wheelchair; he also has low vision and also mobility and disabilities in his hands. As well, he was okay with the controllers. We added padding on the floor. And if you have a VR lab or a dedicated space, I suggest you get some of that

  11. 00:05:03 --> 00:05:31

    soft foam padding that children's areas have, because there's a lot of movement in crawling and rolling around in VR and sometimes you just want to sit down. The power of inclusive design – *Design  for one, extend to many* as Microsoft says. It turns out that 3D sound and designing just the sound part of your experience to begin with can be really, really powerful.

  12. 00:05:31 --> 00:05:58

    And a lot of people in VR forget about the power of sound. So, if you even crafted the sound aspect of your experience first and then added the visual piece, you're going to be stronger because the sound is 50% of your narrative, emotion, navigation, presence. It's a huge, huge important thing. And for folks that are blind, it's the only way they can navigate.

CEO of Experience Dynamics, Frank Spillers, asks questions about accessibility in virtual reality (VR) that mirror questions designers ask in the broader scope of digital inclusion. Questions like, “Who have you left out? Who else do you need to think about?...*Who are we impacting?* Which user? Which community? Which historical, cultural or political context have we learned about, have we thought about, have we included?”

As of 2023, 2.6 billion people remained offline—reduced from 2.9 billion in 2021. To end digital exclusion or bridge the “digital divide,” designers, developers and government officials must think beyond the internet and its infrastructure to include other important aspects of digital inclusion.

Table of contents

The Foundations of Digital Inclusion

“Meaningful access is vital for social, political, and economic empowerment and therefore narrowing digital divides needs to go beyond simply reaching basic internet connectivity.”

— Roundtable on Digital Inclusion, United Nations

The five pillars to achieve greater digital inclusion are affordability and accessibility of the internet and its infrastructure, connected digital devices that meet users’ needs, digital literacy instruction, high-quality technical support and the design of applications, websites and online content that take accessibility into account. 

To reduce internet poverty alone, although a noble effort, wouldn’t solve the issue of digital exclusion in the modern age. While the focus on connectivity continues, communities should also work to improve the following:

1. Affordable and Accessible Internet Services and Infrastructure

The internet provides people with equal opportunities to participate and compete online globally. It’s a window into the wider world that enables cultural and political exchanges, open dialogue, fun and exploration!  

For instance, in rural areas where people might lack traditional internet infrastructure, including something as basic as electricity—as of 2023, 746 million people still lived without it—connecting them to the electrical grid is the first step to connecting them to the WiFi. Community-based initiatives and infrastructure projects could provide communal spaces for affordable and accessible WiFi networks.

After that, nations would need to consider how to provide low-cost internet services and establish local infrastructure so residents in those internet deserts can engage in online education, employment opportunities and essential services.

2. Connected and Useful Devices

Devices like computers, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, etc., that connect to the internet and meet the diverse needs of users are necessary for digital inclusion. This hardware should accommodate a wide range of user requirements and contribute to a more inclusive digital experience. 

Furthermore, these devices should be available to everyone, from students who could use them for their science projects to working professionals who need to stay connected to older people who could use them to book medical appointments and beyond. They should be affordable as well.

For example, providing computers at a local library or personal tablets with user-friendly interfaces ensures that individuals with different abilities and backgrounds can effectively use internet-connected technology to foster equal access to online information, services and opportunities. For easier access to hard-to-get hardware and to keep costs down, shared technology resources for communities that need them most is a perfect starting point.

3. Digital Literacy Training

Digital literacy education is essential to promote digital inclusion. It equips people with the skills necessary to navigate and engage with the digital technologies mentioned in the previous section and software like applications, websites and computer programs. 

If the student doesn’t know how to use the tablet provided to them, they’ll get nowhere on their science project. If the worker can’t figure out how to connect to the WiFi or open the video-call app, they won’t be able to join their urgent meeting. And if older adults can’t figure out how to turn their devices on, they’ll never be able to book their healthcare appointments. Without proper digital literacy instruction, all the devices become about as useful as a brick. 

To help solve this, tech professionals and instructors could provide community workshops to offer hands-on training on online safety, basic computer operations, digital communication and beyond. Finally, digital literacy should be encouraged and taught from a young age. But for the aging population—those who didn’t grow up with AOL, Facebook, or TikTok—it can be difficult to learn new technologies. 

Assistant Professor Jeff Johnson from the University of San Francisco speaks about the importance of good design for an aging population. 

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:33

    The interesting thing about digital technology is  that it can help older adults perhaps even more than it can help everybody else who's younger. You get quotes like these: 'A Mac laptop opened the world to me right here from my kitchen table. This is a blessing because my mobility is now extremely limited due to my physical disability.' Or someone else said, 'I can keep in touch with people all over the world. I feel so connected to so much of the world, art, music, nature, comedy, humanity.

  2. 00:00:33 --> 00:01:01

    Technology has helped me move 19 times in nine years.' That only works if the digital technology is easy for older adults to use. If it isn't, you get comments like these: 'How can I make the font bigger? I can't see it.'; 'I wish they'd stop changing things.'; 'All the new technology is so confusing to me.'; 'Who thought thin gray letters was a good idea?'; 'So much to remember.'

  3. 00:01:01 --> 00:01:34

    And the kinds of things that *can cause problems* for older adults are: illegible text,  passwords that you can't remember, lost objects, hard-to-solve CAPTHCAs, mysterious icons and symbols, small targets, confusing navigation, not understanding where the focus is on the screen. So, these are the kinds of problems that older adults can face. And guess what? Younger adults face some of these problems, too. The other thing to say is that *everyone is impaired at least some of the time*.

  4. 00:01:34 --> 00:02:00

    Even young people can have trouble in certain situations. So, for example, suppose you're  on a bus and you're trying to text your friend, and the bus is driving over a bumpy road, and suddenly that gives you hand tremors. So, maybe it would be nice to have a design ... where it didn't matter whether you had hand tremors or not;

  5. 00:02:00 --> 00:02:05

    you know – you could use voice dictation, for example, on your phone.

4. Technical Support

Quality technical support can enable users “to learn how to learn.” The ability to learn skills acts as the magic multiplier of all other skills. It enables people to more efficiently acquire and master the processes and tools of the digital world.

Digital providers must involve highly skilled tech professionals and instructors to provide quality and ongoing technical support. For instance, a dedicated helpline staffed by knowledgeable professionals or information technology (IT) technicians who regularly visit local schools, libraries and community centers can provide timely and accurate support to users who encounter technical issues. This guarantees people, regardless of their technical proficiency, can confidently and successfully use digital tools and services while promoting education on how to solve unique online and offline problems self-sufficiently.

5. Apps, Websites, and Online Content Designed for Accessibility 

“Barriers to access are caused by society failing to make interactions accessible…we, as a society, have created barriers that inhibit people's full interaction with the world around them; and so, you [as the designer] have the power to remove some of those barriers.”

— Elana Chapman in Introduction to Digital Accessibility

Well-designed products and services promote resourcefulness, participation, and cooperation for all users regardless of socio-economic status, ability, nationality, gender, age, etc. Product designers must include accessibility measures for the sake of legality but, more importantly, for the sake of the 1.3 billion (or 1 in 6 people) who live with significant disabilities worldwide. 

Follow along with Ditte Hvas Mortensen, user researcher and design psychologist, as she explains the 7 factors that influence user experience, including accessibility and its legal and design-related implications. 

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:32

    In this presentation, we'll talk about the seven factors that describe user experience. User experience, or UX, is critical to the success or failure of a product in the market. But what do we *mean* by "UX"? All too often, we confuse UX with *usability*, which describes how *easy* a product is to use. It's true that UX as a discipline began with usability. But UX has grown to accommodate much more than usability.

  2. 00:00:32 --> 00:01:02

    And you need to pay attention to all aspects of the user experience if you want to deliver successful products to market. According to Peter Morville, a pioneer in the UX field who has written several best-selling books on UX, there are seven factors that describe user experience: Useful, Usable, Findable, Credible, Desirable, Accessible and Valuable. Let's take a look at each factor in turn and what it means for the *overall* user experience.

  3. 00:01:02 --> 00:01:31

    The first factor of user experience is *useful*. You only want to bring a product to market if it's useful and has a purpose for its target customers. If the product has no purpose, it's unlikely to be able to compete for attention in a market full of purposeful and useful products. If we take a simple example like a car, the primary purpose for most people is if they can drive it where they need to go. A car that can't drive isn't useful. It's worth noting that "useful" is in the eye of the beholder

  4. 00:01:31 --> 00:02:03

    and we also call products "useful" if they deliver *non-practical* benefits, such as fun or aesthetic appeal. So, a computer game or a sculpture may be deemed useful even if they don't enable a user to accomplish a goal that others find meaningful. *Usable* – or *usability* – is about enabling users to effectively and efficiently achieve their end objective with a product. Products can succeed if they are not usable, but they are *much* less likely to do so. Besides giving you a competitive advantage, a high level of usability can also make a huge difference

  5. 00:02:03 --> 00:02:35

    in the safety and comfort of use. Cars are a good example of a context where everything you interact with must have a high level of usability. So, we can keep our focus on driving while changing stations on the radio. *Findable* refers to the idea that the product must be easy to find. If you're working with digital and information products such as webpages, the content within them must be easy to find, too. Music and video streaming services with millions of files are extreme examples of the importance of designing for findability.

  6. 00:02:35 --> 00:03:02

    If Netflix users can't find something they're in the mood for on a Friday night, it doesn't matter how much great content is hidden beneath the surface. They'll stop using the service. *Credibility* relates to the ability of the user to trust in the product that you've provided – not just that it does the job that it's supposed to do, but that it will last for a reasonable amount of time and that the information provided with it is accurate and fit for purpose.

  7. 00:03:02 --> 00:03:31

    It's nearly impossible to deliver a good user experience if the user thinks the product creator is lying or has bad intentions. They'll take their business elsewhere instead. In 2015, when it was discovered that Volkswagen had rigged the software of millions of diesel cars to cheat on emissions tests, it not only cost them up to 30 billion dollars in damages, but they also lost customer trust and a huge part of the US market share that they're still struggling to regain. That's an extreme example of what a loss in credibility will do.

  8. 00:03:31 --> 00:04:01

    But even if you don't commit fraud, you should always ensure that your product lives up to what it promises. *Desirability* is conveyed in design through branding, image, identity, aesthetics and emotional design. The more desirable a product is, the more likely it is that a user who has it will brag about it and create desire in other users. To understand desirability, think of a Skoda and a Porsche. They are to some extent both useful, usable, findable, accessible, credible and valuable.

  9. 00:04:01 --> 00:04:34

    But for most people, Porsche is much more desirable than a Skoda. That's not to say that Skoda is undesirable. They've sold a lot of cars under that brand. But given a choice of a new Porsche or Skoda for free, most people will opt for the Porsche. *Accessibility* is about providing an experience which can be accessed by users of a full range of abilities. This includes those who are disabled in some respects, such as hearing loss, impaired vision, motion impaired or learning impaired. Doing interface design for accessibility means that you use colors which color-blind people can see,

  10. 00:04:34 --> 00:05:00

    that text is legible, even for people with low vision, and so on. Sadly, accessibility often gets lost in the mix when we create user experiences. Design for accessibility is sometimes seen by companies as a waste of money because the impression is that people with disabilities make up a small segment of the population. But even if you don't want to design for accessibility just to be a good person, it's worth remembering that

  11. 00:05:00 --> 00:05:30

    when you design for accessibility, you'll often find that you create products that are easier for everyone to use, not just those with disabilities. Don't neglect accessibility in the user experience. Finally, accessible design is now a *legal obligation* in many jurisdictions, including the EU, and failure to deliver it may result in fines. Finally, the product must deliver *value*. It must deliver value to the business which creates it and to the customer who buys or uses it.

  12. 00:05:30 --> 00:06:02

    Without value, it's likely that any initial success of a product will eventually be undermined. A product can provide value to different users in different ways. For some users, desirability is more important than accessibility and vice versa. That means that the value factor is really the sum of all the different factors of user experience *combined*. In this video, we've taken you through Peter Morville's seven factors of user experience. What they show is that the success of a product depends on more than utility and usability alone.

  13. 00:06:02 --> 00:06:13

    Products which are usable, useful, findable, accessible, credible, valuable and desirable are much more likely to succeed in the marketplace *and* bring joy to their users.

It’s paramount to design and develop apps and websites with clear navigation, adjustable font sizes and color palettes, and compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies so individuals with diverse abilities can engage just as effectively and efficiently as their non-disabled counterparts.

Why Aim for Digital Equity?

“Digital divide is the issue. Digital equity is the goal. Digital inclusion is the work.”

— National Digital Inclusion Alliance

If digital inclusion is the work people must do, what’s the end goal? To answer that, it’s first helpful to define “equity.” 

George Washington University states, “Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome,” as opposed to “equality,” which “means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.”

For example, in The Netherlands, where internet access and digital infrastructure are well-established, an equitable solution might involve providing Dutch students with personal devices and customized online resources. 

Meanwhile, in Venezuela, where such infrastructure is less developed and internet poverty is much higher, an equitable solution could involve the investment in community internet cafes or school libraries in addition to the supply of affordable devices and free training on how to use them, and the creation of localized digital content.

A highlight of the difference between

Equality offers the same opportunities and resources, while equity offers more to those who need it most for an equal outcome.

© Storyset on Freepik, Free License

The discussion around "equity" highlights the need to deconstruct structural barriers for true equality and focus on fairness through contextual solutions rather than offering the same resources to everyone, which can perpetuate digital exclusion. 

Digital equity, the ultimate goal of digital inclusion efforts, ensures everyone has the necessary IT skills for active participation in society, the economy and politics. These skills are essential for people to engage in civic activities, secure jobs, access vital services and lifelong learning.

How Can Designers Ensure Digital Inclusion?

Designers facilitate digital inclusion when they adopt accessibility, usability and diversity in their designs. They create welcoming digital spaces for diverse audiences when they integrate these principles from the start of the design process.

Accessibility Standards

Implement recognized accessibility standards such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 to guarantee usable digital products with accessible visual design by people with disabilities. 

Accessibility research expert Elana Chapman states, “If you start designing for those edge case users, you actually end up with something that works for more individuals and is more customizable for different groups of users.” This means the more designers work to include accessibility measures in their designs, the more likely they are to design for a broader audience, which inevitably leads to digital inclusivity.

Many websites like Google, Apple, and Amazon apply WCAG 2.1 and incorporate features like screen reader compatibility for visually impaired users, captioning and sign language interpretation for videos for those with hearing impairments and keyboard navigation options for users with motor impairments. These implementations validate the websites as navigable and usable by those with different abilities. 

IxDF instructor and web design expert William Hudson takes it a step further when he speaks about usability in web design and where it intersects with accessibility. He states, “Most changes for accessibility do benefit all users, especially when you start to think about how can we simplify this layout? How can we make the whole thing [the design] easier to use?”

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Inclusive User Interface (UI) Design

Design intuitive interfaces with straightforward navigation, legible web fonts and high color contrast. Consider options for adjustable text sizes and typefaces, alternative text for images and keyboard navigation.

The BBC website provides a real-life example of these design principles in the image below. It features an intuitive layout with clear navigation, uses high-contrast colors for readability—black and white—and offers a choice of text sizes and fonts.

Additionally, the BBC website includes alternative text for images. It supports keyboard navigation, which makes the site accessible and user-friendly for a diverse audience, including those with visual or motor impairments.

BBC’s clean black-and-white web design with an emphasis on the site’s accessibility and adaptability for resizable text.

©BBC, Fair Use

Multilingual Support

Provide content in multiple languages to cater to a global audience! Consider the linguistic diversity of users to make information accessible to non-native speakers.

A perfect example of this principle in action is the Duolingo language learning app. Duolingo offers its content in multiple languages to cater to a global audience with diverse linguistic backgrounds. 

This approach allows users to learn new languages starting from their native language, which makes the learning process more accessible and practical for non-native English speakers. In this way, Duolingo significantly broadens its reach and impact for users from all over the world.

The language learning app Duolingo aptly provides its services in various languages right from the homepage in a dropdown menu.

©Duolingo, Fair Use

Responsive Design

Design responsive and adaptable products for different devices and screen sizes to accommodate users who access content through various platforms and devices.  

Netflix provides an exemplary real-life case of responsive design. Expertly optimized, the platform accommodates a variety of devices, including TVs, desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. Regardless of the screen size or device, Netflix maintains a consistent and user-friendly experience where users can easily browse, watch and interact with content. Netflix has undoubtedly found diverse ways for its global audience to access and enjoy its streaming service.

Netflix demonstrates its responsive design across TV, desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones on its homepage, indicating anyone can watch everywhere.

©Netflix, Fair Use

Inclusive and Sensitive Content

Create content that is culturally sensitive and inclusive. Avoid stereotypes and use images and language that resonate with a diverse audience.

A notable example of culturally sensitive and inclusive content creation is the global marketing campaigns by Coca-Cola. In their ads, Coca-Cola avoids stereotypes and carefully selects images and language that resonate with diverse audiences worldwide. 

They tailor their content to reflect different countries' local cultures, traditions, languages and socio-political contexts. Coca-Cola makes certain its messaging is inclusive and respectful, which enhances the brand's appeal and connection with consumers from various cultural backgrounds.

Different Coca-Cola ads from around the world, including an ad from Africa with a man and woman embracing and laughing with coke bottles in hand. An ad from Ukraine with people from the Red Cross passing each other large Coca-Cola bottles, where a man wears a Coca-Cola hat. An ad from South Korea shows a vinyl record peeking out from its Coca-Cola branded sleeve. And an ad from Portugal shows two people sitting on the street, sharing a slice of pizza while holding up their Coke bottles. The Coca-Cola logo wraps around them.

From top left to bottom right: Coca-Cola ads from the African Swahili-speaking regions, South Korea, Ukraine and Portugal. The ads consider the regions they’ll appear in and the present-day societies they represent.

© Coca-Cola, Fair Use

Usability Testing with Diverse Users

Conduct usability testing with individuals who represent diverse demographics, abilities and backgrounds. This helps identify potential barriers to a more inclusive design.

For example, McDonald’s, in partnership with CDS in the United Kingdom, ran two rounds of usability testing with 225 users to help improve the McDonald’s app. 

Based on insights from the tests, the company optimized content and introduced changes to the visual design to guide McDonald’s customers and help them easily identify functionality. As a result, McDonald's customers could easily order from anywhere, anytime and choose how to collect their orders. It also made ordering faster, more accurate and reduced congestion. These changes made the app more convenient and better suited for different customer needs.

Screenshot of CDS' McDonalds case study from its website.

CDS’ case study of its usability testing research for the McDonald’s app in the UK.

©Image from

Tech Literacy Initiatives

Support and engage in initiatives that encourage digital literacy so users have the skills to easily navigate and connect with technology.

Google's "Grow with Google" program is a digital literacy initiative. It offers free training, tools and resources to help people develop digital skills. It encompasses many topics, from basic internet navigation to advanced skills like coding. Its goal is to give people the information they need to interact in different digital environments.

Screenshot of Grow.Google's website

Google offers courses, certifications, free resources and a lot more to help people worldwide learn new technology, progress in their careers and develop their own businesses.

©Google, Fair Use

Collaborate with Accessibility Experts

Work with accessibility experts or consultants to assess and improve the accessibility of digital products. This type of collaboration can provide valuable insights and guidance during the design process.

Listen and learn from accessibility experts like Vitaly Friedman, Katrin Suetterlin, Jeff Johnson and Elana Chapman via IxDF’s Master Classes, where members can dive into timeless digital accessibility principles for only $5. The field of accessibility is dynamic. Keep an eye on this space!

IxDF’s Master Classes are a great way to keep up to date with the latest accessibility measures and methods.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

Learn More about Digital Inclusion

Read more about accessibility in design in the article Understand the Social Needs for Accessibility in UX Design

Interested in learning how to design for accessibility? Enroll now in the IxDF’s course Accessibility: How to Design for All today!

Sign up for Elana Chapman’s Introduction to Digital Accessibility and for Vitaly Friedman’s on Accessible and Inclusive Design Patterns via the IxDF’s Master Classes. 

World Health Organization (WHO) gives an overview of the number of people living with disabilities in the world today. 

Access the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 to make sure your designs are inclusive. 

Learn more about the basics of digital inclusion via the National Digital Inclusion Alliance’s (NDIA) helpful definitions

Read the United Nations’ roundtable definition of digital inclusion as a PDF. 

Read up on equity vs equality from George Washington University’s One Public Health article, Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference?

Get the facts and figures surrounding internet poverty from the Internet Poverty Index. The United Nations reported 2.9 billion people were still offline in 2021. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reports about 2.6 billion people remained offline in 2023.

View the important statistics on the number of people without access to electricity. The International Energy Agency (IEA) further discusses the lack of electricity globally.  

Dive into the McDonald’s app usability testing case study from CDS.

Questions about Digital Inclusion

What is digital literacy?

Digital literacy refers to the skills and knowledge required to use digital technology, media and resources effectively. It encompasses the ability to find, evaluate, create and communicate information using digital platforms and tools

Digital literacy allows people to use technology and includes critical thinking and ethical considerations while navigating digital environments. It is essential today, where technology plays a significant role in education, communication and work. It enables individuals to participate fully in a digital society to enhance their personal and professional lives.

How does digital inclusion intersect with ethical design practices?

Ethical design practices guarantee digital products and services are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, a fundamental aspect of digital inclusion. Designers must focus on user-centered design, consider the diverse needs of potential users and incorporate marginalized or underrepresented groups within their designs.

Ioana Teleanu highlights the importance of ethical AI design in the course AI for Designers.

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:31

    As powerful as AI is and how much it can help us in our design process and help our users. There are some very important disclaimers that I want you to keep in mind. The first one is that you can't eliminate people from your research efforts and expect people to be happy when they use your product. Even with AI and its rapidly advancing capabilities,

  2. 00:00:31 --> 00:01:03

    humans are not replaceable in the process of understanding their problems. The second disclaimer: currently, AI will give you mostly basic generic content. Beware of its limitations. Don't rely too much on AI information. Always fact-check it and complement it with human thinking. Similarly, every analysis, heatmap, mockup, artifact is subject to AI's limitations and will probably be generic and not very reliable for a long time.

  3. 00:01:03 --> 00:01:30

    Use critical thinking when transposing these in your work. The third one. You can't replace human collaboration even if you have a fun new brainstorming partner in your favorite AI agent, design will still involve multidisciplinary efforts, multiple people coming together to solve complex problems by using diverse perspectives, different angles, and a variety of contributions.

  4. 00:01:30 --> 00:02:01

    Design is conversation. Design is collaboration. The fourth disclaimer: ethics at the center of everything. How can we ensure ethical experiences? What's the foundational thinking that everything should be built on? It all starts with the right questions. Should we build this product? Will it promote good in the world? Can it harm people? Ask these questions from day one when thinking about products, not just AI products,

  5. 00:02:01 --> 00:02:30

    but any digital product or interaction with design. I'll consolidate some of the ethical principles and best practices when making design decisions that solve AI needs. Firstly, always start with the user. The design process should begin, continue, and end with having humans or even better humanity at the center of the process. Own and promote that with every action or conversation you have.

  6. 00:02:30 --> 00:03:03

    The second one: help people grow. We're all learning. People are learning how to use AI as a force for good and progress. AI is learning from us how to serve us better. Make design decisions that facilitate this loop, this exchange. It's a collaboration in building better systems. You also want to build for everyone. Design systems that are inclusive of people of all abilities. Accessibility should be a priority for any system

  7. 00:03:03 --> 00:03:30

    that people interact with. We must fight to not accentuate, deepen the inequality and privileges that society gives certain people in the detriment of others. And there is this real danger of giving the powerful more power by having easier access to these technologies. Establish trust, make the system honest and transparent. Consider how people might misunderstand, misuse,

  8. 00:03:30 --> 00:04:01

    or incorrectly estimate the capabilities of the system. Show data sources expose the thinking process. Communicate openly. Open the black box whenever you can. Essentially, you want to design systems that build relationships with your users. Be fair, admit when you're wrong and you want to pay attention to their legitimate fears and concerns. Things such as privacy, security, consent. Is my data safe? How is my sensitive information used and stored? Is this content reliable?

  9. 00:04:01 --> 00:04:20

    Did I agree to all of this? Do I understand the implications of my interactions with the system? Make sure to provide your users with answers to all of these questions. And trust is gained when you're a good person or system. So do good through your design decisions and strive to be socially beneficial.

Ethical design respects and integrates cultural differences to ensure culturally relevant and respectful content and interfaces. Data privacy and security also protect users, particularly those most vulnerable online. Finally, designers must tackle economic barriers and create cost-effective solutions without sacrificing quality.

What are the biggest challenges in achieving digital inclusion?

Governments, industry and community organizations should work together to overcome the challenges digital inclusion faces, like:

  • Infrastructure Gaps: In many regions, especially rural and developing areas, the lack of robust digital infrastructure—like high-speed internet—is a major barrier to digital inclusion.

  • Affordability: The cost of internet access and digital devices can be too high for low-income individuals and families, which limits their ability to participate in the digital world.

  • Digital Literacy and Skills: A lack of digital literacy and skills among certain population groups limits their ability to use technology effectively. This includes basic operational skills and understanding how to navigate online safely and responsibly.

  • Cultural and Language Barriers: Content in certain languages (like English) and not tailored for cultural diversity can alienate non-native speakers and people from different cultural backgrounds.

  • Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Many digital products and services do not include accessibility measures, which is challenging for people with disabilities.

  • Policy and Regulatory Challenges: Inadequate or outdated policies obstruct the expansion of digital services and fail to address the needs of marginalized communities.

  • Socio-economic Disparities: Socio-economic factors play a significant role in digital inclusion. People from disadvantaged backgrounds often have limited access to technology and the internet.

What is internet poverty?

Internet poverty describes the lack of access to, or the inability to afford, internet services. The digital divide affects people in low-income areas, rural regions and developing countries. Internet poverty hinders individuals from accessing critical online resources, education, job opportunities and social connections. 

This form of poverty also limits the development of digital literacy skills, which are essential in today's technology-driven world. Addressing internet poverty requires collaborative efforts worldwide to improve infrastructure, lower costs and increase digital literacy for equitable access to the internet for all.

How can organizations train their staff in inclusive design practices?

Organizations can train their staff in inclusive design practices through various methods, including but not limited to:

  • Specialized Workshops and Training Sessions: Conduct workshops on inclusive design, where staff can learn about accessibility standards, cultural sensitivity and user-centered design principles.

  • Online Courses and Certifications: Encourage staff to enroll in online courses or obtain certifications in inclusive design from reputable institutions or platforms. 

  • In-House Training Programs: Develop in-house training programs customized to the organization's specific context and needs, like lectures, practical exercises and project-based learning.

  • Expert Guest Speakers and Consultants: Invite experts in inclusive design to give talks or provide consultancy to expose staff to the latest trends, best practices and real-world insights.

    For example, Katrin Suetterlin UX Content Strategist and IxDF Master Class speaker, teaches about universal and inclusive Design that all IxDF staff and members can learn and gain from. 

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    Learn more in How to Design for Neurodiversity: Inclusive Content and UX.

  • Mentoring and Peer Learning: Pair less experienced staff with mentors with expertise in inclusive design. Encourage peer learning sessions where team members can share experiences and solutions.

What are some recommended books that cover digital inclusion?
What are some highly cited research on digital inclusion?

Several highly cited research studies and papers have significantly contributed to the field of digital inclusion:

DiMaggio, Paul, Eszter Hargittai, Coral Celeste, and Steven Shafer. Digital Inequality: From Unequal Access to Differentiated Use. In Social Inequality, 355-400. Russell Sage Foundation, 2004.

This paper discusses the impact of the internet on information access and social inequality. It highlights five key issues: the digital divide, comparisons with other media, demographic disparities in internet use, its effects on life chances and the evolving nature of internet technology. The authors emphasize the need for further research in these areas.

Grishchenko, Natalia. Social Capital, Digital Divide and Their Relationship with Internet Use: A Longitudinal Study. SSRN, February 27, 2022. 

The author examines the relationship between internet use types, the digital divide and social capital using panel data from a Russian survey (2012-2018). Results show varied effects: work-related internet use correlates with higher education, while communication use predicts social outcomes. Age affects the internet's impact. The study informs policies addressing the digital divide.

Srinuan, Chalita, and Erik Bohlin. Understanding the Digital Divide: A Literature Survey and Ways Forward. 2nd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Innovative ICT Applications - Emerging Regulatory, Economic and Policy Issues," Budapest, Hungary, September 18-21, 2011. International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Calgary.

The paper introduces the digital divide, its definition and its significance in public policy discussions. It conducts a literature review covering 2001-2010, categorizing research across three journal types. The results reveal the complicated nature of the digital divide, exploring socio-economic and institutional factors. The study suggests a need for future research to address global and social divides in ICT adoption.

You can also read more about how to Understand the Social Needs for Accessibility in UX Design.

How can designers address language barriers in digital products?

Designers can address language barriers in digital products via the following:

  1. Multilingual support

  2. Visual communication

  3. User interface (UI) flexibility

  4. Voice and text translation features

  5. User testing with diverse groups

  6. Language simplification

Designers can create more inclusive digital products that cater to a global audience and break down language barriers to improve the user experience and user interaction across different linguistic groups.

How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning contribute to digital inclusion?

AI and machine learning can significantly contribute to digital inclusion in various ways:

  • Personalized Learning: AI can tailor educational content to individual learning styles and needs and make digital education more accessible and effective for diverse learners.

  • Language Translation and Accessibility: Machine learning algorithms improve language translation services, breaking down language barriers in digital content. AI can also enhance speech recognition and synthesis to aid users with different language backgrounds or disabilities.

  • Enhanced Accessibility Features: AI-driven technologies like voice assistants and adaptive interfaces can make digital products more accessible to people with disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments.

  • Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze data to identify regions or communities with limited digital access and help policymakers and organizations target their inclusion efforts more effectively.

  • Automated Content Moderation: AI can help create safer digital environments via the identification and removal of harmful content, making online spaces more inclusive and welcoming for all users.

  • Affordable Solutions: Machine learning can optimize network operations and reduce costs to provide more affordable internet access, especially in underserved areas.

    An illustrated infographic that demonstrates how machine learning and deep learning fits in with artificial intelligence.A brief overview of AI, machine learning and deep learning, where deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which, in turn, is a subset of artificial intelligence.

    © Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

How does user research contribute to digital inclusion?

User research contributes significantly to digital inclusion in several key ways. For example,

  • Identify User Needs: Designers and developers gain insights into the specific needs, preferences, and challenges of different populations when they conduct research with diverse user groups.

  • Uncover Accessibility Issues: User research helps identify accessibility barriers that might not be obvious, like issues faced by people with disabilities, older adults or those with limited digital literacy.

  • Cultural Relevance: Designers should engage with users from various cultural backgrounds during research so their digital products are culturally sensitive and relevant. 

  • Inclusive Design Development: Insights gained from user research guide the development of inclusive design principles and digital products that cater to the needs of all users, including those often marginalized.

  • Test and Validation: Through user testing, researchers can validate whether digital products are genuinely inclusive and make necessary adjustments based on real-world feedback.

  • Policy and Strategy Formulation: User research results can inform policies and strategies to promote digital inclusion as long as they are based on the actual experiences and needs of diverse populations.

If digital products and services are accessible, usable, and meaningful to all population segments, then digital inclusion is one step closer. 

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Literature on Digital Inclusion

Here's the entire UX literature on Digital Inclusion by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Digital Inclusion

Take a deep dive into Digital Inclusion with our course Accessibility: How to Design for All .

Good accessibility is crucial to making your website or app a success. Not only is designing for accessibility required by law in many countries—if you fail to consider accessibility, you are excluding millions of people from using your product. The UN estimates that more than 1 billion people around the world live with some form of disability and as populations age over the coming years, that number is expected to rise rapidly. Add to that the 10 percent of people who suffer from color blindness, and you start to get an idea of why accessibility is so important—not just for moral and legal reasons, but also so that your products can reach their full potential. You need to design for accessibility!

So… what is a proven and pain-free way to well-executed accessibility? If you’ve ever tried to optimize your site or app for accessibility, you’ll know it can be a complex and intimidating task… and it can therefore be very tempting to leave it until last or, worse still, avoid it altogether. By understanding that accessibility is about more than just optimizing your code, you’ll find you can build it into your design process. This will ensure you are taking a disability advocacy approach, and keeping the focus on your users throughout the development process.

This course will help you achieve exactly that—from handling images to getting the most out of ARIA markup, you’ll learn how to approach accessibility from all angles. You’ll gain practical, hands-on skills that’ll enable you to assess and optimize for common accessibility issues, as well as show you how to place an emphasis on the quality of the user experience by avoiding classic mistakes. Whats more, you’ll also come away with the knowledge to conduct effective accessibility testing through working with users with disabilities.

The course includes interviews with an accessibility specialist and blind user, as well as multiple real-world examples of websites and apps where you can demonstrate your skills through analysis and accessibility tests. Not only will this give you a more practical view of accessibility, but you’ll also be able to optimize your websites and mobile apps in an expert manner—avoiding key mistakes that are commonly made when designing for accessibility.

You will be taught by Frank Spillers, CEO of the award-winning UX firm Experience Dynamics, and will be able to leverage his experience from two decades of working with accessibility. Given that, you will be able to learn from, and avoid, the mistakes he’s come across, and apply the best practices he’s developed over time in order to truly make your accessibility efforts shine. Upon completing the course, you will have the skills required to adhere to accessibility guidelines while growing your awareness of accessibility, and ensuring your organization’s maturity grows alongside your own.

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